
Showing posts from February, 2022

Because Of This Peanut Butter

We as a mother and the budget planner in the house. We always make sure that the money we have in our wallets is enough for the expenses we incur for the day such as groceries and bills. So after I paid all my bills online. I packed my bag, checked if the worksheets of my youngest is already in my bag and my wallet too then went out.  I went to the meat section first because that's the most important thing I have to buy for the whole week otherwise we will be starved if I am not careful. When I am done in the meat section, went on to cereal milk, condiments then I was contemplating if I have to buy a sandwich spread. We still have Eden at home but I know my youngest doesn't like the cheese I bought her a few weeks ago that's why it's still in the fridge.  I was checking for Skippy peanut butter and Goya. Sigh! Both prices increased, then I decided to take the Skippy peanut butter. I have a total of about P2,600 when I checked my calculator. The cashier told the customer...

Gain Tax and Documentary Stamp

 I am so dumb! I assume this house years ago and since I don't have work at that time I assumed the house, I and the previous owner of the house,  made an agreement that I will be paying him directly with Deed of Sale and Special Power Attorney, it was legal however Pag Ibig won't honor the papers for me to change the name. I have to process their papers for me to get approval and such.  So just recently I decided to get through the papers they need me to comply with. Everything went on smoothly except the last part. The Gain Tax and Documentary Stamp.  I paid for the Declaration of Tax for about almost P 50,000 last December. I was so excited to submit all the papers I have from Pag Ibig in BIR but when they computed my Gain Tax and the Documentary Stamp, it reaches almost P 120,000. I was very surprised!  I asked them why it reaches to that amount, they said it's the zonal value, the property in this subdivision is too high and that affects the zonal value....


 Do you sometimes feel like you are suffocating? Not with someone pressuring you to do something but in general perhaps because of the society, people around you, or the situation that you are in? That even how you plan things yet there are circumstances that you can't just do it because financially, you can't afford it. There are many things you wanna do but it feels like you don't have time at all and it is suffocating. The opportunities are there but it is just hard to reach them. Totally, I feel like I am trapped and I can't get out. I wanted to but there's no way out and I am afraid not for myself but for the people around me.  I am stagnant, I can't move forward and I don't how to do it. I have many ideas but I don't how to make them real and it is suffocating. Maybe the best phrase to say is I am tired, the situation is so tiring. Suffocating and Tiring

If The World Will End

There are times that I would question this to myself. Is the world ending? If it is, do we have the chance to hide or would someone help us?  If the world will end in any way. could it be because of asteroids that would hit the earth or could it be because of natural calamity? I wonder, where would I be?  If the world will end, if I would be given the chance to choose where would I be or who would I be with. I prefer to be with my family. I prefer to be at home with my kids. If I know when it will end, I would cook some meals for my kids. Maybe I would encourage them to tell me, how was their day like? or maybe I would ask them to tell me all the things that they wanted to tell me that they were not able to tell me before. Maybe I would crack some jokes so they will laugh while waiting for the world to end.  I know this is kinda weird, don't get me wrong. I am not and will never pray for this. How I wish it will not happen.  But what if?

My Health Condition

My period is not normal at all and it started last 2019, It was in the month of June when I noticed my period has a heavy flow. It continues for weeks. On the fourth day of my menstruation, I went to my Obgyne to ask about it. She requested an ultrasound and the result was negative for any cancer. However, since I was still bleeding for like a week already. We decided on a curettage. It's a surgery where they are going to scrape the lining of your uterus since at that time it was thick the reason I had bleeding. I informed my husband about it and we checked for our budget. I had 15k at that time from my savings and I told him to give me the other half since our estimate was about P 30,000.00. My husband agreed to it. Thus, we scheduled the surgery right away. I just spent a day at the hospital then went home the next day. I thought that was about it.   On the contrary, after the lock-down. I had bleeding again, I went to my  OB-GYN for a check-up. She gave me Hemostan and...