Digital BP Monitor

Finally, I was able to buy one for me last Saturday so I could
monitor my BP at any time. You see, I was absent again with my work last Friday
because my BP went up again a night before Friday. I am totally devastated with
how high it was! It was 180 over 104. They required me to have my own BP
monitor so I can also check my BP at home.
I asked a budget from my
husband for it and thankfully he agreed with me. My husband is also worried
about my health condition because ever since I went back to work just this
month. My Blood Pressure keeps on fluctuating. And it totally surprised me, I
won't know as to when it will rise because I don't feel anything at all that
would at least notify me of my condition.
I was so excited with my
Digital BP monitor because it is easy to use, you just must plug it in the main
outlet and the other cord to the digital to check on my BP and my heart rate.
The music from it, it is very relaxing that you can sleep if you would listen
to it for an hour. After few a minute or two, the digital would read your blood
pressure and your pulse, it has automated system which can tell you the result.
Although someone said that the result may not be accurate, it doesn't matter at
least I have something I can use at home and perhaps would help me to
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