A Need To Save The Mother Earth ASAP!
I'd been reading this news from these scientists who are stepping forward to encourage us to help saving Earth because it is rapidly dying that we might only have months to live. They are even appealing to the governments all over the world to help them otherwise it will be too late for us to save it. These tips from National Geographic could help them a little. I hope you will religiously follow them as I will do my best to cooperate.

2. Fill it up - Of the billions of bottles of water consumed every year, there were only about 30 percent of those bottles are recycled. So most of it were clogged up landfills or wind up in the ocean and will absolutely harm animals. Thus, instead of buying bottled water each day, it would be best to use a reusable water bottle.
4. Finish Your Food - Don't leave any food on your plate because there are about 1 to 4 billion tons of food is wasted and all of these wasted food is filling up landfills and rotting food released harmful greenhouse gases into our environment.
5. Use Portable Gadgets - They said that desktop computer is using more energy than of laptop computers.
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