Possible Surge Again?
Covid has been taking a toll on us for two years now and yet some people are still not being very careful. I understand we need to go out, but do you have to bring your babies in the mall or in a crowded area? Look at China now. Shanghai is in lockdown again because of the surge. When can we learn? When can we be extra careful?
Rallies are everywhere. I understand we need to express our support for our candidates, but that does not mean we will not exercise the social distancing protocol. We still have the COVID virus! For Christ' sake!
Our country can't afford to go through a lock down anymore. Our economy is already going downhill. I bet the next president will have to go through needles to make things work when the surge happens again. And of course, there will be protests again, suggestions and complaints and, oh, we are so expert at that.
I hope, even though we are already on level 1, we, still be responsible of our actions. Please make social distancing a habit and minimize going to crowded places, and if, if you can't avoid going to the mall or in crowded places, do not bring your babies!
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